Academic Production
research papers
Necropolitics, peacebuilding and racialized violence: The elimination of indigenous leaders in Colombia
Krisna Ruette-Orihuela, Katherine V. Gough , Irene Vélez-Torres & Claudia P. Martínez Terreros (2023)
This paper proposes the concept ‘necropolitics of peacebuilding’ to analyse how contemporary geographies of peace and post-war violence are shaped by the articulation of race, space, politics and the coloniality of power.
Loughborough University (UK)
Universidad del Valle (Colombia)
Engaged pedagogic research: Transforming societies through co-learning and social action
Irene Vélez-Torres, Katherine Gough, James Larrea-Mejía, Giulia Piccolino & Krisna Ruette-Orihuela (2022)
The Peace Agreement signed in Colombia in 2016 was celebrated by academics, politicians and officials around the world for its innovative concept of Territorial Peace, which proposed to foster social participation at the local level and simultaneously strengthen state institutionality.
Loughborough University (UK)
University College Dublin (Ireland)
Universidad Nacional (Colombia)
Universidad del Valle (Colombia)
The turn from peacebuilding to stabilisation: Colombia after the 2018 presidential election
Giulia Piccolino & Krisna Ruette-Orihuela (2021)
Although stabilisation has been widely debated by the recent literature, there has been relatively Little discussion about how the governments of countries affected by armed violence have themselves engaged with the concept.
Loughborough University (UK)
Decolonising design in peacebuilding contexts
Carolina Escobar-Tello, Krisna Ruette-Orihuela, Katherine V. Gough, Javier A. Fayad-Sierra & Irene Vélez-Torres (2021)
This paper explores how transdisciplinary design approaches can contribute to peacebuilding. Ways of decolonising workshops to create trust and ensure sensitizing, dialogic and meaningful experiences for participants, to enable them to envision interethnic and intercultural forms of being and becoming, are discussed.
Loughborough University (UK)
Universidad del Valle (Colombia)
“Fests of Vests”: The Politics of Participation in Neoliberal Peacebuilding in Colombia
Irene Vélez-Torres, Katherine Gough, James Larrea-Mejía, Giulia Piccolino & Krisna Ruette-Orihuela (2021)
El Acuerdo de Paz firmado en Colombia en el año 2016 fue celebrado por académicos, políticos y funcionarios de todo el mundo por su innovador concepto de Paz territorial, el cual proponía fomentar la participación social a escala local y simultáneamente fortalecer la institucionalidad estatal.
Loughborough University (UK)
University College Dublin (Ireland)
Universidad del Valle (Colombia)
Slow violence and corporate greening in the war on drugs in Colombia
Irene Vélez-Torrez & Diego Lugo-Vivas (2021)
Since the 1980s, the economic geography of rural Colombia has felt the impact of the cultivation of illicit crops as a means of subsistence amid enormous social, economic and technical disadvantages faced by peasants.
Universidad del Valle (Colombia)
Medicinal Marijuana, Inc.: A Critique on the Market‑led Legalization of Cannabis and the Criminalization of Rural Livelihoods in Colombia
Irene Velez‑Torres, Diana Hurtado & Bladimir Bueno (2021)
In Colombia, Law 1787 of 2016 legalized marijuana for medicinal and scientific purposes. The law promotes social inclusion in two ways: (1) establishing mechanisms to incentivize rural marijuana production; and (2) protecting and strengthening small producers in the context of governmental efforts to voluntarily substitute illicit crops.
Universidad del Valle (Colombia)
“Paz territorial” Análisis crítico respecto a la participación y la legitimidad en la implementación del acuerdo de paz en Colombia
Irene Vélez-Torres & James Larrea-Mejía (2020)
The disillusionment generated by technocratic peace-building operations until the early 2000s has led various academics and officials to advocate a new approach based on building relationships of trust and legitimacy between the citizenry and the state.
Universidad del Valle (Colombia)
Narrativas comunitarias y dinámicas territoriales del proceso de implementación del Acuerdo de Paz en Miranda, Cauca (2016 – 2018)
Irene Vélez-Torres (2019)
We dedicate this research effort to David el Mono Marín (Anderson Pérez Osorio), former FARC-EP combatant and peasant leader, who was killed in Caloto, Cauca, on June 17, 2019. We met David in January 2017 in Monte Redondo.
Universidad del Valle (Colombia)